Boosting performance
Get the most out of your hearing aids and stay connected
Better communication with wireless accessories
Phonak wireless accessories are useful add-ons link to your hearing aids to help you hear more in challenging situations. Hear better in noise or over distance, during phone calls, in class and when listening to TV and multimedia. Or get easy access to your hearing aid settings with a Phonak remote control.
Enjoy high-quality sound transmitted directly from your favorite audio sources to all your hearing aids.

TV Connector
The easy to use streaming device for TV and music

The TV Connector offers a plug and play solution that turns Phonak Marvel hearing aids into wireless TV headphones. You can now enjoy excellent stereo sound quality from your TV with the freedom of not having to wear any body worn streamer.
In Noise
Always feel like you're sitting in the front row and follow the conversation, however loud the situation is.

Roger On

Roger On is a microphone dedicated for all conversations that occur in background noise and over distance.
• Roger On gives you the flexibility to focus on conversations that truly matter at work, in lectures or with friends.
• Switches automatically between different microphone modes depending on if used on a table, clipped on clothing or held in your hand.
• Roger On with MultiBeam 2.0 Technology has the ability to distinguish the direction of incoming speech, and automatically selects the person who is talking to support you in conversations.
• Pointing mode 2.0 uses three microphones in a row allowing you to focus on one person talking or in a group conversation when background noise is present multimedia.
Roger Select
Roger Select is a microphone ideal for situations where background noise is present. You can place Roger Select in the middle of a table e.g. in a restaurant, or it can be worn by a single person i.e. to hear a distant talker. It discreetly and automatically selects the person who is talking and seamlessly switches from one talker to another. When multiple conversations take place, the listener can manually select whom to listen to. Roger Select iN is the latest version of Roger Select and has the capability to install Roger receivers directly to your Marvel hearing aids – no need to attach an external receiver.

It features premium Roger speech-in-noise and over distance performance, it is the smart solution to overcome difficult listening situations.

Roger Table Mic II
Focus on work rather than on hearing
Meetings can be a challenging listening environment. By simply placing a Roger Table Mic on a meeting table, it transmits clear speech directly to your hearing aids, allowing you to fully participate. One Roger Table Mic is perfect for a small meeting environment. For larger meetings, it´s possible to connect several Roger Table Mics so that each participant gets the signal clearly. With a battery capacity of more than 20 hours you will never have to worry about the operating time.

Roger RemoteMic
Phonak RemoteMic is a wireless microphone for one-on-one conversations over distance. The RemoteMic is clipped onto the speaker’s clothing.
Combined with Phonak ComPilot Air or Phonak ComPilot it transmits the speaker’s voice directly to both hearing aids over a distance of up to 20 meters (66 ft).
Roger Clip-on Mic
The Roger Clip-on Mic is an easy-to-use wireless microphone that enables people with hearing loss to enjoy effective one-to-one communication in loud noise and over distance.
This discreet shirt-worn accessory is used by the partner of the hearing aid user. It is fully automated and boasts game-changing Roger speech-in-noise performance. It can be used as a standalone microphone or alongside other Roger Clip-On Mics or the Roger Pen. It can also be used to listen to TV and multimedia.

Phonak PartnerMic
Phonak PartnerMic is a discreet and easy-to-use remote microphone when you need a little boost in one-to-one conversations
PartnerMic is a discreet and easy-to-use microphone optimal for one-to-one conversations in noisy environments. Attach it anywhere onto your partners shirt, blouse or jacket without having to worry about the positioning. Thanks to Phonak AirStream™ technology, speech is streamed to your Marvel and Paradise hearing aids without an additional device.

In Class
Real and meaningful education occurs when children are truly engaged. But such engagement is only possible when students can clearly hear and understand the teacher.

Roger Touchscreen Mic
This wireless teacher microphone is the core component of any Roger system for education. It features two wearable microphone options, simplified menus and customizable soft keys

Roger Touchscreen mic is a simple and intuitive microphone that allows both teachers and students to actively participate in the modern classroom with ease. Roger Touchscreen Mic automatically switches from an individual talker to a small group interaction mode, depending on its placement. It can be worn around the neck or placed on a table to pick up speech from a group of students. It is the compatible choice for just about every hearing aid, cochlear implant and soundfield amplification system. Roger offers the industry’s best ever speech-in-noise performance, with proven improvements of up to 54% over other FM and digital systems and 35% over Dynamic FM technology.
Roger Pass-around
The Roger Pass-around microphone is designed to enhance classroom discussions so that not only teachers, but all students are heard clearly. With an appealing design and an optimal size for kids and teens to hold and fully control. A green light indicates when it is being used

Roger Multimedia Hub
This versatile transmitter used in a Roger network features audio mixing which allows a teacher’s voice to be heard simultaneously with an audio signal. Used as a stand-alone device, it can be connected to an audiobook or tablet for individual listening.
Roger Charging Rack
This small and lightweight accessory allows up to 4 devices to be charged simultaneously.

Roger Neckloop
Roger NeckLoop is a universal receiver compatible with any hearing aid or cochlear implant with a T-coil.
• Improved hearing performance gives access to Roger technology for better* speech understanding in noise and over distance¹.
• Roger NeckLoop can be used together with Roger microphones and it is compatible with hearing aids or implants with a T-coil.
• Just turn your Roger NeckLoop on and use the display and battery level indicator to easily see the status of the receiver.
• Fully charged it can be used for 10 hours.
* Compared to using hearing aids alone.
1.Thibodeau, L. (2014). Comparison of speech recognition with adaptive digital and FM wireless technology by listeners who use hearing aids. American Journal of Audiology, 23(2), 201-210.

Roger WallPilot
This wall-mounted device, positioned next to the door, automatically connects students’ Roger receivers to the room’s existing Roger network the moment they step into the room.
Teachers can connect their microphones too, simply by switching these on close to the Roger WallPilot.

Dynamic SoundField
Just plug it in, turn on and teach!

Dynamic SoundField by Phonak ushers in a new era in classroom amplification, solving today’s soundfield issues by offering industry-leading sound performance, fully automated settings, and hassle-free integration with Phonak’s FM systems for hearing impaired children.
• Students’ listening and learning skills improve • Less speaker repetition required
• Enhanced class instruction and management • Less teacher vocal strain
Phonak Serenity Choice
The high-end hearing protection from the hearing care specialist

Cancels noise and loud sound
Phonak Serenity Choice™ cancels noise and loud sounds from 9 to 16 NRR (Noise Reduction Rating - US) or 16 to 24 SNR (Single Number Rating - EU)*
Keeps relevant sound and speech
Phonak Serenity Choice™ keeps relevant sound and speech and therefore allows situational awareness and communication
Lets the ear breathe
Phonak Serenity Choice™ lets the ear breathe by ventilating the ear to prevent a build-up of excess moisture
*Values for generic product. Value for custom product currently being confirmed via certification.
Hear Clear
St Luke's Road, G'Mangia, Malta
Mons. Indri Fenech Street, Mellieha, Malta
T. +356 21524214 M. +356 99462266 E. info@hearclear.mt
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